Apartment Building Loan in

Atlanta, Georgia

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Apartment Building Loan in Atlanta, Georgia

Since April of 2000 Caffrey & Company LLC has been helping real estate investors nationwide find the best loan product for commercial real estate investment properties in Atlanta. Caffrey & Company LLC has a special focus in providing apartment building loans in Atlanta, Georgia.  The most attractive, non-recourse loan terms start at $1,000,000 for multifamily property loans.  Therefore, if you are looking for low interest rates, a non-recourse loan up to 80% for you Apartment Building Loan you are at the right place.  Looking for higher loan to value: Over $5 million leverage up to 83% to 85% is available.

Tenant and Landlord Assistance Coalition help with back rent payments:

The TLAC rent relief program will provide financial assistance to eligible households for the payment of rent, rent arrearage, utilities, utility arrearage and other housing costs incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. An owner or landlord renting to an eligible household may apply on behalf of the tenant.

Tenants and landlords can apply for financial assistance by completing an application at www.dekalbcountyga.gov/renthelp and submitting supporting documents to [email protected].

Renter, Landlord COVID-19 Relief Program Extended

Gov. Gavin Newsom, on June 28, 2021, signed legislation that expands and extends the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program designed to provide financial relief to renters and landlords with unpaid rental debt because of the pandemic.

The rent relief program re-authorized in AB 832 pays 100 percent of unpaid rent payments from April 1, 2020 through November 1, covers some utility bills, and provides other protections for tenants who suffered COVID-related financial hardships. Landlords also may apply through the program for funds to cover unpaid rents.

To assist renters and landlords with the application process, a Local Partner Network of community-based organizations are available throughout the state to provide assistance and support with the rent relief program. The list of organizations can be found here: https://housing.ca.gov/covid_rr/index.html.

Loan Underwriting for the best interest rate:

Each Apartment loan product has unique underwriting requirements.  Above all, how the loan data is presented to the lenders can have a negative or positive effect on pricing and loan proceeds.  We offer this expert loan underwriting for Atlanta Apartment Building Loans.  This helps in achieving the best pricing and loan terms for you.  Therefore, we encourage our clients to submit key property level data for a free loan underwriting review.  This initial loan underwriting normally takes less than one business day for us to respond.  You should expect several apartment loan options.  Here is a short list of property level data that would aid in providing a loan quote:

Required Underwriting information needed:

  • Last two years and Year-To-Date detailed Profit and Loss statements (in addition a trailing 12-month P&L is best if available).
  • Current Rent Roll
  • Brief narrative description of the property.
  • If available a few electronic photos. Or a copy of the real estate agent’s marketing package.
  • What is the purpose of the loan? Acquisition, Refinance, cash out, re-position the property (renovations).

Next we will need to know your objective, how much do you wish to borrower on the apartment complex?  Is this a long term investment or short term investment?  In other words outline your loan request.

We understand the financing of an apartment complex is a very important component of the investment.  Therefore, we encourage our client to send us details on the property before finalizing the purchase and sale contract for an indication of the type of loan that might be available to a particular property.

Fixed Rate Loan Terms are Available Multifamily Properties:

Loan terms are available from 3-years up to 35-years (40-years for new construction on loans over $5 million).  The Apartment buildings can be Garden Style, High Rise, Age Restricted, Student Housing, Section 8 Tenants and subsidize properties.  There must be at least 5-units.  If you have several buildings all with five or more apartment units that you wish to place under one loan no problem, the buildings should be within 3 to 5-miles from the other properties for best loan terms.

How long will it take to close the Loan?

The closing process normally takes between 45 and 55 days to close the loan.  Closing costs vary between loan products.  Before you put any funds out we will provide a detailed estimate of the anticipated closing costs.   At this stage you will know the loan product, the loan terms, and the anticipated closing costs.

On our web site you can read about specific loan products: Commercial Real Estate Loan Products. Read about Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HUD/FHA, Commercial Mortgage Back Securities (CMBS) and other loan products.  Want more details on sample interest rates for apartment check out Interest Rates for Apartment Loans also on our web site:   Apartment Loans.

Keep Caffrey & Company in mind when searching for a Georgia lender for apartment loans. Have a question please call:  Mike Caffrey (913) 402-7077 or email: [email protected]

On our web site you can read about specific loan products: www.caffreyloans.com/loan-products, offered by Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HUD/FHA, Commercial Mortgage Back Securities (CMBS) and other loan products. Want more details on sample interest rates for apartment check out Interest Rates for Apartment Loans also on our web site: www.caffreyloans.com/apartment-loans.

Have a question please contact
Mike Caffrey
Telephone: (913) 402-7077
[email protected]